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    Engineering of Storage and Distribution Systems for Pharmaceutical Water

    Sven Polenz, 91126 Schwabach (Germany)

    Dipl.-Ing. Sven Polenz, Am Wiesengrund 5, 91126 Schwabach (Germany), e-mail: sven.polenz@gmx.de

    WaterStorage and distribution systems for pharmaceutical water serve the purpose of ensuring a constant water quality from production to withdrawal from the system. They ought to be recirculating systems, with the possibility of parallel loops to serve points of use.Both hot and cold storage is possible. Typically, Water for Injection is stored hot, Purifed Water and Highly Purified Water are stored cold. Typical flow diagrams for both variants are shown.After the creation of the flow diagram follows the hydraulic design based on the characteristics of the points of use. The pressure in the recirculating system is adjusted according to certain parameters, further disclosed in the article. Increased attention is given to avoiding cavitation in the piping between storage tank and circulation pump. The flow velocity in each part of the pipe is defined in accordance to the Reynolds criteria in order to ensure a completely turbulent flow.The design of parallel loops is explained by way of two examples.Any storage and distribution system requires a means of sanitizing in cases of deviations and after interventions into the system. According to multiple criteria, advantages and disadvantages of different sanitizing technologies are being discussed.

    Key words Pharmawasser, Lagerung Ringleitung Sanitisierung Strömungsgeschwindigkeit Verteilung

    © ECV- Editio Cantor Verlag (Germany) 2008


    pharmind 2008, Nr. 7, Seite 897