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    GMP-Compliance in der Technik

    Umsetzung am Beispiel der Instandhaltung

    Johannes Krämer

    ZLB Behring GmbH, Marburg

    Korrespondenz: Dr. Johannes Krämer, ZLB Behring GmbH, Plant Engineering, Postfach 12 30, 35002 Marburg (Germany)

    GMP-Compliance in the Technology / Realization at example of the maintenance

    After planning and installation of pharmaceutical plants and the older they are, the maintenance of these plants becomes more and more important. During all maintenance activities, the GMP-compliance of the plant always has to be obtained. This requires a high degree of organization regarding the maintenance ac-tivities, comprehensible and manageable processes for planned and unplanned activities and a valid documentation. As the needed instruments and resources are - according to experience - not available to the requested extent, strategies have to be developed, how, nevertheless, the optimal availability of the plants can be reached with a minimum of effort.

    Key words GMP-Compliance • Pharmaanlagen, Errichtung, Instandhaltung, Planung, Sicherung

    © ECV- Editio Cantor Verlag (Germany) 2006


    pharmind 2006, Nr. 5, Seite 636