Innovative Primary Packaging Materials for Parenterals Selected aspects of design and requirements for production and control of glass containers Peter A. Schröder MGlas AG, Münnerstadt (Germany) The Interpack (21. to 27. April 2005, Düsseldorf) is one of the most important events in the field of packaging of medicinal products worldwide. This trade fair with its presentations will also reflect the latest results in research, development and technology in 2005. Interdependency and interaction between processing and valuable components to produce a compliant and convenient drug is the explicit goal of all pharmacists and engineers involved. This paper shows examples and highlights of new contact packaging materials for parenterals, interaction of primary packaging materials and machine design, and emphasizes the implementation of GMP in relevant stages of the manufacture of contact packaging materials - last but not least with respect to the efforts made to close the gap between ISO and GMP (ISO 15378). Important is the coordination of primary packaging materials and the machine capability of processes such as unpacking, washing, siliconizing, filling and closing as well as labeling. Patenting and standardization are of special importance for innovations and the manufacture of medicinal products. Key words Contamination control, glass containers • GMP, primary packaging materials • Innovative primary packaging materials • ISO 15378 • Needles • Parenterals |
pharmind 2005, Nr. 3, Seite 346