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    Figure 1
    Market demand variability is managed on two sides (all graphics courtesy of Camelot Management Consultants AG).


    Part 3: LEAN Inventory and Replenishment Management for VUCA Challenges*)


    1. The Need to Re-think Current Practices2. LEAN Inventory Management – Dynamic Parameter Adaptation to Actively Buffer Variability3. LEAN Replenishment Planning – Differentiation of Push/Pull Modes and VMI/CMI Organizations4. LEAN Replenishment Synchronization – Linking Replenishment Demand with Flexible Production Campaign Planning5. Benefits of LEAN Inventory Management and Replenishment Planning
    Dr. Josef Packowski and Ernesto Knein · Camelot Management Consultants AG, Mannheim, Germany
    Dr. Josef Packowski
    is co-founder and Managing Partner of the Camelot Consulting Group, an international organization of leading specialists focused on value chain management in core industries comprising chemical, pharmaceutical, and consumer goods manufacturers. He received his doctoral degree in business and information technology from Saarland University, and in addition to his professional work he is today a lecturer on advanced planning systems and supply chain management at the University of Mannheim, one of the leading business schools in Germany. He is a respected industry