News from the EMEA Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products Dr. Barbara Steinhoff Bundesverband der Arzneimittel-Hersteller e.V. (BAH), Bonn (Germany) The Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) met for the 9thand the 10thtime at the EMEA offices on 11- 12 January and 8- 9 March 2006, respectively, under the chairmanship of Dr. Konstantin Keller (Germany). As a new coopted member in the field of paediatric medi-cines, Prof. Kurt M. Widhalm, University of Vienna, was appointed. A new Working Party on Community Monographs and Community List (MLWP) was founded, which had its first meeting on 7- 8 March 2006 under the chairmanship of Dr. Heribert Pittner (Austria). A large number of new guidance documents was discussed during the meetings of the Committee’s working groups as well as in the plenary sessions. Drafts released for public consultation as well as finalised documents can be found on the EMEA website ( Some important documents and further developments, which might be of interest to the European herbal industry, will briefly be discussed in the following. |
pharmind 2006, Nr. 5, Seite 577