Originalitätsschutz von primärem und bedrucktem VerpackungsmaterialUnter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Behältnissen aus Glas RA Dr. iur. Martin Wescha und Haroun Malikb Sozietät Wesch & Buchenrotha, Stuttgart, Gütegemeinschaft Pharma-Verpackung e.V.a, Stuttgart, und Hueck Folien GmbH & Co. KGb, Weiden/Oberpfalz Originality Protection of Primary and Printed Packaging Material / With special consideration of glass containers With regard to counterfeit drugs there exists no drug safety anyway. Life and health of patients are threatened seriously. Therefore, it is up to the legislation and the pharmaceutical industry to take measures against forgers activities. Penalties by law provided for the manufacture or the import of drugs without the required authorisation are not sufficient. According to the resolution of the Cabinet Counsil of the European Union of March 21, 2001 its also the drug manufacturers responsibility to develop packages impeding the counterfeiting of drugs. There are several approaches to reach that goal. Some of them are p re-sented in the following paper. Additionally risks with regard to the liability in the context of distribution and use of drugs are demonstrated. Key words Arzneimittelfälschung · Lieferant · Originalitätsschutz · Qualität · Sicherheitstechnologie · Verkehrssicherungspflicht · Verpackung |
pharmind 2003, Nr. 09a, Seite 998