Purified Water und Highly Purified Water Planung, Ausführung und Aufbereitung nach dem Stand der Technik Ulrich Träger Wilhelm Werner GmbH, Leverkusen Korrespondenz: Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Träger, Wilhelm Werner GmbH – Reinstwassertechnik, Maybachstraße 29, 51381 Leverkusen (Germany), ulrich.traeger@werner-gmbh.com Purified Water and Highly Purified Water / Design, construction and treatment in accordance with the state of the art Different technical solutions are available for the production of Purified Water (PW) and Highly Purifid Water (HPW), which are especially mentioned in the different pharmacopeias. The following article provides an overview of process engineering in accordance to the current state of the art, particularly regarding the microbiological requirements of the pharmaceutical industry. Key words Elektroentionisierung • Highly Purified Water • Purified Water • Reverse Osmose • Sanitisierung, chemische, thermische • Ultrafiltration |
pharmind 2010, Nr. 10, Seite 1804