Rubrik: Tagungsberichte
(Treffer aus pharmind, Nr. 06, Seite 988 (2012))
Brown11 C | Friedel H | Barker A | Buhse L | Keitel S | Cecil T | Kraemer J | Morris J | Reppas C | Stickelmeyer M | Yomota C | Shah V
FIP/AAPS Joint Workshop Report: Dissolution/In
Vitro Release Testing of Novel/Special Dosage Forms
Reprinted with permission by the American Association of Pharmaceutical
Scientists. Originally published as: Brown, C, Friedel, H, Barker, A, Buhse,
L, Keitel, S, et al. FIP/AAPS Joint Workshop Report: Dissolution/In
Vitro Release Testing of Novel/Special Dosage Forms. AAPS PharmSciTech.
2011. Doi: 10.1208/s12249-011-9634. Please send comments to the Co-Chairs
of / Brown et al. · FIP/AAPS Joint Workshop Report · Brown
11 C, Friedel H, Barker A, Buhse L, Keitel S, Cecil T, Kraemer J, Morris J, Reppas C, Stickelmeyer M, Yomota C, Shah V · Eli Lilly and Company
1 und Bayer HealthCare AG
2 und Food and Drug Administration/CDER/OPS
3 und EDQM, Council of Europe
4 und United States Pharmacopeia
5 und PHAST
6 und Irish Medicines Board
7 und National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
8 und National Institute of Health Science
9 und FIP Scientific Secretary
10In 2003, the FIP Dissolution Working group published a position paper on dissolution/drug release testing for special/novel dosage forms that represented the scientific opinions of many experts in the field at that time [ 1 ]. The position paper has supported activities, programs, and decisions in the scientific, technical, and regulatory community. Due to the rapid evolution of new practices and techniques for in vitro testing, the FIP Special Interest Group (SIG) on Dissolution/Drug Release decided to revise the previous paper and added proposals for further harmonization of in vitro release testing practices for different pharmaceutical dosage forms. This article ...