Rubrik: Arzneimittelwesen
(Treffer aus pharmind, Nr. 08, Seite 1013 (2021))
Larrucea E | Wörner T | Felgenhauer H | Sprenger A | Steinhoff B | Stern D
“Lean application” for homoeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products / A proposal from industry for application and variation dossiers · Larrucea E1, Wörner T2, Felgenhauer H3, Sprenger A1, Steinhoff B4, Stern D4 · 1Weleda AG, Schwäbisch Gmünd und WALA Heilmittel GmbH, Eckwälden/Bad Boll und meta Fackler Arzneimittel GmbH, Springe und Bundesverband der Arzneimittel-Hersteller e. V., BonnRubrik: Originale
(Treffer aus pharmind, Nr. 02, Seite 262 (2019))
Why has Mutual Recognition never become common practice for Homeopathic Medicinal Products? / The two pioneer cases of Mutual Recognition/Decentralised Procedures with homeopathic medicinal products in the simplified registration – Part 2*Part 1 see Pharm. Ind. 2019;81(1):104–112. · Klein G, Sprenger A · 1Deutsche Homöopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe und Weleda AG, Schwäbisch GmündRubrik: Originale
(Treffer aus pharmind, Nr. 01, Seite 104 (2019))
Why has Mutual Recognition never become common practice for Homeopathic Medicinal Products? / The two pioneer cases of Mutual Recognition/Decentralised Procedures with homeopathic medicinal products in the simplified registration – Part 1 · Klein G, Sprenger A · 1Deutsche Homöopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe und Weleda AG, Schwäbisch Gmünd