Rubrik: Fachthemen
(Treffer aus pharmind, Nr. 07, Seite 1041 (2014))
Packowski J | Streuber P
LEAN SCM / Part 5: Integration of LEAN SCM*Part 1, 2, 3, 4 see Pharm Ind. 2014;76(1):69-73; 2014;76(2):190-194; 2014;76(3):689-693, and 2014;76(6):878-882, respectively. · Packowski J, Streuber P · Camelot Management Consultants AG, Mannheim, Germany
Supply chain management (SCM) requirements in the pharmaceutical sector have changed significantly in recent years. The new buzzword in global supply chain management is adaptation to increasing global complexity and volatility. Growing pressure from financial markets and the difficulty of increasing operating margins and working capital in this environment require efficient planning and execution of global production and replenishment processes. Companies are thus increasingly relying on LEAN SCM – harmonized production and replenishment planning along the entire supply chain, closely managed by IT applications. LEAN SCM is designed expressly to simplify existing planning processes and improve agile synchronization and variability ...