Rubrik: Ausland
(Treffer aus pharmind, Nr. 10, Seite 1394 (2018))
Gmür A | Feurer K
Pharma Logistics – Focus Africa and Latin America / Gmür and Feurer • Pharma Logistics · Gmür A, Feurer K · Camelot Management Consultants AG, Mannheim
Compared to mature markets like the US and Europe, where the main growth needs to happen with new products and services, emerging markets in Africa and Latin America still offer potential for growth with existing portfolios. The outlook for these pharma markets remains very positive . Reasons for the positive pharma market development in Latin America are the region’s traditional commitment to healthcare as well as its sheer size and the projected population growth. Additionally, due to stabilizing labor markets, the middle class is expanding further. All of this together will lead to a projected growth in the healthcare market ...