Rubrik: Fachthemen
(Treffer aus pharmind, Nr. 09, Seite 1396 (2014))
Thunecke M | Botschen F
Trends in the Evaluation of Biotech Development Candidates / The method of choice · Thunecke M, Botschen F · Catenion, Berlin, Germany
7MM Seven Major Markets (US, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Spain, Italy) COGs Costs of Goods FDA Food and Drug Administration (US) HTA Health Technology Assessment ICER Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio LOA Likelihood of Approval NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK) NME New Molecular Entity NPV Net Present Value OS Overall Survival OSM Option Space Mapping PoC Proof of Concept SoC Standard of Care TPP Target Product Profile VC Venture Capital When one talks to investors active in the biotech sector, it is widely acknowledged that drug development is a risky business with high reward potential but also large sums to be lost. While many pharma companies can mitigate risk by building a sufficiently ...